Ways to Save for School
Financial Tips
August 02, 2023
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As another school year approaches, there is ample opportunity for fun, learning, and personal growth. Parents and students will begin to navigate a new school year with new teachers and peers. While an exciting time, it certainly can be busy, and expenses can pile up fast with tuition, school supplies, new trends, and meal prep. With the start of a new school year, it is crucial to remember healthy spending and saving habits. While the impending expenses of the year may appear daunting, consider these tips to help minimize the costs of school:
By planning and creating a reasonable budget, you can track your spending and limit unnecessary purchases. These practices can help to resolve unexpected financial burdens and save for expensive purchases, such as houses and cars, and help your kids in the long run. Tips to consider when saving for incoming/current college students:
Prioritizing your spending to save for the important things is so important to the well-being of your family. Giving kids a college education is a fantastic way to prepare them for their lives thereafter. Keep these ideas in mind when shopping this August! Here to help on your family’s journey, First Bank’s savings account is a great spot to save money while accumulating additional wealth with competitive interest rates. Click here to visit First Bank’s savings account page for more information about how to open a savings account.
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